Global Warming

The political superstorm that devastated New York

“Sandy may have been a rare (but hardly unprecedented) confluence of weather events. But the political decisions and blame avoidance are an all-too-common confluence of human tendencies – worsened by the dogged determination of our ruling classes to acquire greater power and control, coupled with steadily declining transparency, accountability and liability.”

January 7, 2013  /  No Comments ››

The Doha wealth redistribution process moves on

“The scientific case for manmade global warming disasters grows weaker by the day. But no one should ever underestimate the desperation, audacity and political brilliance of those who have staked their careers, reputations, salaries and pensions on the notion that our energy use and quest for improved living standards for all humanity have somehow usurped the natural forces that have driven climate changes from time immemorial.”

December 19, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Saving the planet – or protecting power grabs and cash cows?

The real danger is policies, laws, regulations, restrictions and taxes imposed in the name of preventing global warming cataclysms that exist only in computer models, Hollywood horror movies, and UN and environmentalist press releases. Those political reactions will perpetuate and exacerbate poverty, disease, unemployment, and economic stagnation.

December 10, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Alice in Wonderland science

In a declaration straight out of Alice in Wonderland, it asserted: “The increase in surface temperature over Antarctica from climate change is having a catastrophic knock-on effect, depleting phytoplankton stocks, melting the Antarctic ice sheet and causing an alarming reduction in all marine life.”

December 2, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Climate change issues for 2012

“Over the past several months people have asked CFACT a number of questions about climate change, energy and the environment. We responded to them, and then decided to compile their questions and our answers into two 6-page documents that present these science-based issues in brief, understandable, lay terms.”

November 4, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Climate Alarmism: Our sanity and wallets need a break

“The hysterical and spectacularly wrong predictions would be hysterically funny, except for one thing. Too many global cooling/warming/weird weather scientists, activists and politicians are using the issue to justify policies that are trashing our economy. “

September 17, 2012  /  2 Comments ››

Tattoo this: “It’s the Sun, stupid!”

“President Clinton would probably be the first to admit that the viability of solar electricity power plants depends not only on the mysteries of cloudless skies, but also the brutal reality of economics.”

September 12, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Hunting for scapegoats won’t lower pump prices

“The USA has 1.4 trillion barrels of technically recoverable conventional oil, the EIA and other experts estimate, and enormous additional supplies in shale and tight sand deposits. The best way to keep prices down is to produce more of this American oil, and import more from secure, friendly, nearby suppliers like Canada.”

March 30, 2012  /  No Comments ››

EPA has lost its way on warming

Craig Rucker Legal challenges by states and industry groups over the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases could and should be decided in the challengers’ favor. Whether that will happen in this highly politicized, semi-scientific matter of “dangerous manmade global warming and climate change” remains to be seen. Regardless […]

March 30, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Live Earth – Dead Africans

By Paul Driessen Policies that prevent energy development have lethal consequences for Africa Promoters claim the Live Earth concerts drew 2 billion fans – a number equal to people worldwide who still don’t have access to electricity. Others say the actual audience was a fraction of that – a few tens of millions, including via […]

January 16, 2012  /  No Comments ››