Global Warming

Increasing clouds and thunderstorms for climate alarmists

“Climate chaos false prophets like Rajendra Pachauri, Al Gore and David Suzuki predicted bigger, deadlier storms and flooded coastal cities, because of global warming. But the opposite has happened.”

October 23, 2013  /  No Comments ››

Life in a climate cataclysm box

“Alarmists used their predictions of climate catastrophe to demand that the world transform its energy and economic systems, slash fossil fuel use, and accept lower living standards, in response to the politically manufactured science.”

October 23, 2013  /  No Comments ››

The science fiction of IPCC climate models

“There is no support from scientific forecasting for an upward trend in temperatures, or a downward trend. Without support from scientific forecasts, the global warming alarm is baseless and should be ignored.”

October 14, 2013  /  No Comments ››

Real climate science the IPCC doesn’t want you to see

“The graph dramatically demonstrates that every UN IPCC climate model over the past 22 years (1990-2012) predicted that average global temperatures would be as much as 0.9 degrees C (1.6 degrees F) higher than they actually were! Considering how defective the models are, this is hardly surprising.”

September 20, 2013  /  No Comments ››

Stop denying climate science and ACT! (before people realize it’s a scam)

“Climate alarmists are trying to sucker, snooker and stampede us into taking “immediate action” on job and economy-strangling taxes and restrictions, before more people catch on to what’s really happening.”

September 3, 2013  /  No Comments ››

Carbon dioxide: The “gas of life”

Tiny amounts of this miracle molecule make life on Earth possible Paul Driessen It’s amazing that minuscule bacteria can cause life-threatening diseases and infections – and miraculous that tiny doses of vaccines and antibiotics can safeguard us against these deadly scourges. It is equally incredible that, at the planetary level, carbon dioxide is a miracle […]

August 16, 2013  /  No Comments ››

Delaware’s “future weather”

“Why should Delaware’s or the nation’s future be any different than the past fifty years of increasing carbon dioxide concentrations? Dr. Hayhoe’s bases her extreme scenarios on climate models – the same models that have predicted major temperature trends that have not materialized; greatly exaggerated short-term trends in rainfall, droughts and violent storms; and failed to predict the lack of warming since 1998. So why should we believe them now?”

July 23, 2013  /  No Comments ››

Climate alarmism’s 10,000 commandments

“We need to save our environment from environmentalists and EPA – and safeguard our liberties, living standards and lives against the arrogance of too-powerful politicians and bureaucrats. How we achieve this, while protecting our lives and environment from real risks, is one of the greatest challenges we face.”

June 28, 2013  /  No Comments ››

Greedy Africans are starving our cars

“This colossal global biofuels industry exists only because resource depletion and climate Armageddon ideologies do not die easily – and because politicians lavish government mandates and billions of dollars in taxpayer and consumer subsidies on firms that have persuasive lobbyists and reliable track records for channeling millions of those dollars back to the politicians who keep the racket going.”

June 25, 2013  /  No Comments ››

EPA climatism: Dictating our lives, living standards and life spans

“The issue is not whether greenhouse gases “contribute to” climate change. Scientists acknowledge that. The only relevant issues are: How big a contribution? Do these gases now dominate planetary climate variation, supplanting the solar, atmospheric, oceanic and other forces that have warmed and cooled our Earth throughout its history? “

June 4, 2013  /  2 Comments ››