
Obama’s deceitful, unsustainable energy decrees

Wind and solar reap taxpayer loot, while hydrocarbon energy, industries and jobs get pummeled Paul Driessen “That’s not the American way. That’s not progress. That’s not innovation. That’s rent-seeking and trying to protect old ways of doing business, and standing in the way of the future.” That wasn’t the Wall Street Journal lambasting the mandate- […]

October 1, 2015  /  No Comments ››

Climate Crisis, Inc.

$1.5 trillion and Larry Bell book explain how profiteers of climate doom keep the money flowing Paul Driessen No warming in 18 years, no category 3-5 hurricane hitting the USA in ten years, seas rising at barely six inches a century: computer models and hysteria are consistently contradicted by Real World experiences. So how do […]

October 1, 2015  /  No Comments ››

Take a bow for the new revolution

Americans are less inclined to be fooled again, or to “smile and grin at the change all around” Paul Driessen From the outset, President Obama directed his powerful government agencies and congressional allies to help him “fundamentally transform” the United States. Too many of them were eager to nationalize the nation’s healthcare system, ignore or […]

September 22, 2015  /  No Comments ››

EPA’s gross negligence at Gold King

Fear factors, pollution standards and negligence rules don’t apply when EPA is at fault Paul Driessen On August 5, an Environmental Restoration company crew, supervised by US Environmental Protection Agency officials, used an excavator to dig away tons of rock and debris that were blocking the entrance portal of Colorado’s Gold King Mine, which had […]

September 22, 2015  /  No Comments ››

EPA’s punitive, fraudulent Clean Power Plan

Congress, states and our next president must end EPA harm to human health and welfare Paul Driessen The Environmental Protection Agency’s new Clean Power Plan (CPP) requires that states reduce their electric utility sector carbon dioxide emissions an average of 32% below 2005 levels by 2030. EPA twisted 80 words in the Clean Air Act […]

September 22, 2015  /  No Comments ››

Ethanol and biodiesel: Guilty as charged

Bogus biofuel trading costs us millions – while the absurd biofuel program costs us billions Paul Driessen Two notorious crooks are helping us wrap up another sordid episode in the saga of the United States biofuel mandates, while further highlighting how bungled and long past its expiration date the program is. Congress concocted the mandates […]

September 22, 2015  /  No Comments ››

Obama and EPA imperil minority welfare

“Clean Power Plan” would bring imaginary benefits – and real health and welfare damage Paul Driessen and Roger Bezdek The Obama Environmental Protection Agency and environmental activists frequently claim that climate change will disproportionately affect poor and minority communities. In their view, this justifies unprecedented environmental regulations, like EPA’s pending “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) to […]

September 22, 2015  /  No Comments ››

The green mirage – and con job

Musk, Schmidt, Simons and billionaire buddies build empire based on climate and energy BS Paul Driessen and Tom Tamarkin Elon Musk and his fellow barons of Climate Crisis, Inc. recently got a huge boost from Pope Francis. Musk et al. say fossil fuels are causing unprecedented warming and weather disasters. The Pope agrees and says […]

September 22, 2015  /  No Comments ››

Twin peaks – twin lies

Supposedly record-high temperature and carbon dioxide levels supposedly bring record chaos Paul Driessen and Tom Tamarkin A recent NOAA article is just what Doctor Doom ordered. It claims the 18-year “hiatus” in rising planetary temperatures isn’t really happening. (The “pause” followed a 20-year modest temperature increase, which followed a prolonged cooling period.) The article states: […]

June 17, 2015  /  No Comments ››

Putin and Buffett’s war on U.S. pipelines

Billionaires use secretive foundations to finance anti-pipeline protests – and get even richer Paul Driessen Abundant, reliable, affordable oil and natural gas empower people. They support job creation, mobility, modern agriculture, homes and hospitals, computers and communications, lights and refrigerators, life and study after sundown, indoor plumbing, safe drinking water, less disease and longer lives. […]

June 10, 2015  /  No Comments ››