
Avalanches of global warming alarmism

UN climate cataclysm predictions have no basis in fact and should not be taken seriously Dr. Tim Ball and Tom Harris Throughout the United Nations Climate Change Conference wrapping up in Bonn, Germany this week, the world has been inundated with the usual avalanche of manmade global warming alarmism. The UN expects us to believe […]

November 15, 2017  /  No Comments ››

The changing world energy economy

Ingenuity and efficiency are reducing links between economic growth and energy consumption James E. Smith and Alex Hatch In recent years, particularly in the United States, we have seen substantial a change in public opinion regarding the production and distribution of energy, as well as its associated costs in the marketplace. A good deal of […]

November 2, 2017  /  No Comments ››

DC Swamp denizens strike back

Senators and crony corporatists deep-six proposed EPA reductions in biodiesel mandates Paul Driessen Despite what I thought were persuasive articles over the years (here, here and here, for example), corn ethanol and other biofuel mandates remain embedded in US law. As we have learned, once a government program is created, it becomes virtually impossible to eliminate, revise or even trim […]

October 21, 2017  /  No Comments ››

The Obama EPA’s crooked prosecutors

The agency’s carbon dioxide climate “endangerment finding” was a kangaroo court process Paul Driessen Suppose a crooked prosecutor framed someone and was determined to get a conviction. So he built an entire case on tainted, circumstantial evidence, and testimony from witnesses who had their reasons for wanting the guy in jail. Suppose the prosecutor ignored or […]

October 14, 2017  /  No Comments ››

Now it’s a war on pipelines

Efforts to block and sabotage pipelines hurt jobs, economic growth, middle class, human safety Paul Driessen The radical environmentalist war on fossil fuels has opened a new front: a war on pipelines. For years, activist zealots claimed the world was rapidly depleting its oil and natural gas supplies. The fracking revolution (horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing) […]

September 23, 2017  /  No Comments ››

The Hurricane Harvey Hustle

Facts about Harvey trump attempts to use it to advance manmade climate cataclysm agendas Paul Driessen “When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight,” English essayist Samuel Johnson observed 240 years ago, “it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” That’s certainly true in the climate change arena. After ending US participation in the Paris […]

September 9, 2017  /  No Comments ››

Revisiting wind turbine impacts

Erroneous recent calculation highlights need to assess renewable energy sustainability claims Paul Driessen It’s amazing, though hardly surprising, how quickly some used Hurricane Harvey’s devastation to claim that fossil fuel emissions are driving catastrophic climate change and weather. Their proffered solution, of course, is to replace those fuels with “clean, sustainable, renewable” energy. I’ve criticized this […]

September 2, 2017  /  No Comments ››

Yet another renewable energy boondoggle

Croplands, habitats, taxes, family budgets, safety sacrificed to enrich politically connected few? Paul Driessen Wilkinson Solar has filed papers requesting permits for a 74-megawatt solar electricity facility about 35 miles east of Greenville, NC. If approved, 288,120 solar panels would blanket 600 acres (0.94 square miles) of now scenic, serene farmland next door to the Terra Ceia Christian […]

August 31, 2017  /  No Comments ››

Biofuel justifications are illusory

It’s time to really cut, cut, cut ethanol and other renewable fuel mandates – maybe to zero Paul Driessen The closest thing to earthly eternal life, President Ronald Reagan used to say, is a government program. Those who benefit from a program actively and vocally defend it, often giving millions in campaign cash to politicians who […]

July 30, 2017  /  No Comments ››

Exiting the Mad Hatter’s climate tea party

Trump was 100% right (not just 97%) to show real leadership and walk away from Paris Paul Driessen I can guess why a raven is like a writing-desk, Alice said. “Do you mean you think you can find out the answer?” said the March Hare. “Exactly so,” said Alice. “Then you should say what you mean,” the […]

June 5, 2017  /  No Comments ››