
Is Africa in an emissions arm lock?

Should Africans be told to “stay in harmony with the land” – and thus remain impoverished and wracked by disease and premature death – by continuing to live in an underdeveloped state, because a dominant First World bloc believes its climate alarmism is correct, suppresses alternative evidence, and is more than willing to impose its views on the poorest, most politically powerless countries?

December 6, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Alice in Wonderland science

In a declaration straight out of Alice in Wonderland, it asserted: “The increase in surface temperature over Antarctica from climate change is having a catastrophic knock-on effect, depleting phytoplankton stocks, melting the Antarctic ice sheet and causing an alarming reduction in all marine life.”

December 2, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Michigan’s insane 25×25 proposition: A postmortem

“Through the failure of Proposal 3, Michigan wind has been dissected and eviscerated by public opinion. The sooner our elected officials zip the death bag shut and send the corpse out for burial, the sooner Michigan can protect its rural areas from needless industrialization and our energy intensive industries from rising electricity costs that compromise their competitive edge.”

December 2, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Climate change issues for 2012

“Over the past several months people have asked CFACT a number of questions about climate change, energy and the environment. We responded to them, and then decided to compile their questions and our answers into two 6-page documents that present these science-based issues in brief, understandable, lay terms.”

November 4, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Fractured fairy tales

“America has the world’s largest reserves of oil, gas and coal. We need access to these deposits, under rational regulations that reflect reality, instead of eco fairy tales.”

November 4, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Perverse environmentalist oil sands ethics

“The duplicity and hypocrisy of environmental pressure groups seem to be matched only by their consummate skill at manipulating public opinion, amassing political power, securing taxpayer-funded government grants, and persuading people to send them money and invest in “ethical” stock funds.”

October 27, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Winners and losers energy policies

“Romney’s emphasis on careful analysis and due diligence brought him and Bain Capital notable winners like AMC Entertainment, Burger King, Burlington Coat Factory, Domino’s Pizza, Dunkin’ Donuts and Staples. Obama’s focus on ideology, political calculation, cronyism and campaign contributors produced scandalous losers like A123, Abound Solar, Crescent Dunes, Ener1…”

October 20, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Climate Alarmism: Our sanity and wallets need a break

“The hysterical and spectacularly wrong predictions would be hysterically funny, except for one thing. Too many global cooling/warming/weird weather scientists, activists and politicians are using the issue to justify policies that are trashing our economy. “

September 17, 2012  /  2 Comments ››

Government of, by and for the EPA

“EPA is out of control, and thus far unaccountable for its abuses of power, its disinformation and fraud, and the harm it is inflicting – for little or no health or environmental benefit.

Our founding fathers provided for elections, so that the American people could choose leaders who make the major decisions affecting their lives – and not be subjected to involuntary servitude at the hands of unelected, unaccountable kings or bureaucrats.”

September 12, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Germany’s new “renewable” energy policy

“I’m sure “eco-evangelist” Josh Tickell is just “a regular guy,” just as his movie promo says he is. But I would much rather have my country’s electricity future planned by electrical engineers and scientists, and by citizens and politicians who actually live here – rather than by a “regular guy” environmental activist and his self-proclaimed “experts” on energy and “sustainable” lifestyles.”

September 7, 2012  /  No Comments ››