Saving the planet – or protecting power grabs and cash cows?
The real danger is policies, laws, regulations, restrictions and taxes imposed in the name of preventing global warming cataclysms that exist only in computer models, Hollywood horror movies, and UN and environmentalist press releases. Those political reactions will perpetuate and exacerbate poverty, disease, unemployment, and economic stagnation.
Faulty FDEP science drives unnecessary Florida mercury scare
“Scientific inquiry must be above political pressure and partisan advocacy. Good decisions can arise only if the scientific evidence and knowledge are examined fully, without selective bias.”
Commonsense wisdom from African farmers
“Africa does not need foreign aid in the form of handouts, Ngwenya emphasized. African farmers need modern technology and reliable, affordable electricity. They need the world to buy African produce. Instead, far too often, European and other First World countries impose rules or block African exports, using a multitude of excuses that can no longer be tolerated.”
America’s actual health and welfare crisis
“Implementing EPA’s regulatory agenda will inflict severe economic dislocations and send shock waves through America’s factories, farmlands and families. Far from improving our health and welfare – they will make our economy, unemployment, living standards, health and welfare even worse.”
Rare corporate courage and common sense
“While “progressive” (anti-business) states like California and Oregon may go along with this nonsense, responsible legislators will tell the activists to take a hike. Or they could require that all foods carry relevant (and spooky) safety labels, and consumers be offered more detailed information (prepared by competitors). For instance, lawmakers could mandate that organic products carry warnings like these.”
Using Earth’s blessings to better mankind and planet
Rational thought underlies conservative Christian views on climate change and the environment David R. Legates Although he has rarely been willing to discuss or debate energy or environmental issues with those who do not share his views, environmentalist David Suzuki frequently challenges them on other grounds. In his recent article, “Religious Right is wrong about climate […]
Live Earth – Dead Africans
By Paul Driessen Policies that prevent energy development have lethal consequences for Africa Promoters claim the Live Earth concerts drew 2 billion fans – a number equal to people worldwide who still don’t have access to electricity. Others say the actual audience was a fraction of that – a few tens of millions, including via […]
When visions collide
The Rainforest Action Network’s real target is the Third World’s poor by Paul K. Driessen January 2005 Rainforests are disappearing at a frightening rate, the students were taught, so they raised $523 for an activist group’s “protect an acre” program. At the behest of their teacher and the group, they trekked into Manhattan to […]
Eco-Imperialism won’t save the environment
New, “uncontrolled” methods of mass communication have emboldened a revolutionary rethinking of smug assumptions surrounding the environmental movement. Now, the question is finally being asked: Is it really helping people lead better lives, or is it hurting the most vulnerable? One American revolutionary, ecologist and human rights activist Paul Driessen, recently visited Winnipeg to present […]
Promoting health, prosperity and human rights
College Campuses, Radio, Etc. Promoting health, prosperity and human rights by Paul K. Driessen October 2004 College campuses – Following an October 13 debate, Yale University Political Union members voted 3:1 for Paul Driessen and the resolution: “American environmentalism harms developing countries.” Driessen has also spoken on the University of Arizona, Minnesota, North Carolina and Wisconsin […]