By Others
EPA’s suspect science
Its practices have defiled scientific integrity, but proposed corrections bring shock and defiance John Rafuse President Trump’s budget guidance sought to cut $1.6 billion from the Environmental Protection Agency’s $8.1 billion expectation. Shrieks of looming Armageddon prompted Congress to fund EPA in full until September 2017, when the battle will be joined again. Then EPA […]
Science, engineering and leadership
Creating balance and stability in a chaotic political and economic environment James E. Smith and Alex Hatch Many successful domestic and global companies and enterprises were started and driven by the visionary, problem-solving and leadership capabilities of technically trained founders and/or principals. Historically, those skills and entrepreneurial instincts came from advanced training and education, apprenticeship […]
Dear Mr. President: Please Exit Paris
Dear Mr. President: Please Exit Paris Are you are still wondering whether to Exit Paris? Overseas and US officials, environmentalists and bureaucrats urge you to Remain. But you promised voters you would Exit. Please keep your promises. Exit Paris isn’t about the environment. It’s about letting us utilize our fossil fuel energy to create jobs, rebuild […]
Financial security versus independence
The changing face of the United States should be viewed as an opportunity James E. Smith and Alex Hatch In 2015, the Bureau of Labor (BLS) Statistics released the results of a study dubbed the “National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979.” This survey observed the employment habits of nearly ten thousand men and women of […]
Solar ovens and sustained poverty for Africa
African families and hospitals cannot rely on limited solar power, instead of electricity Steven Lyazi Solar technology in Africa, including my country of Uganda, would bring good news to millions of people who today must use firewood, charcoal and dung for cooking. Millions of Africans die from lung infections caused by breathing fumes from these […]
Trumping healthcare’s bad hand
Some history lessons and suggestions to improve US healthcare without breaking the bank Scot Faulkner As the White House and Republican leaders continue debates and negotiations on a new bill, the blamestorming continues over the failure to repeal and replace Obamacare. Congressional Republicans have only themselves to blame. Since returning to majority in the House […]
A serious climate opportunity
Why does government refuse to do the one thing that would help our forests and climate? Greg Walcher For years, politicians have waged war on coal, stifled oil and gas production, and advocated carbon taxes and other extreme measures to reduce carbon dioxide, while ignoring one of the most important things they could do to […]
The social cost of carbon regulations
Anti-fossil fuel SCC relies on garbage models, ignores carbon benefits and hurts the poor Paul Driessen and Roger Bezdek “If you could pick just one thing to reduce poverty, by far you would pick energy,” Bill Gates has said. “Access to energy is absolutely fundamental in the struggle against poverty,” World Bank VP Rachel Kyte […]
Science deniers in the wind industry
The human health consequences of manipulated measurements Helen Schwiesow Parker, PhD, LCP Like the tobacco industry before it, the wind industry has spent decades Helen Parkervehemently denying known harmful consequences associated with its product, while promoting its fraudulent feel-good image. Dismissing or denying the serious health impacts of industrial-scale wind turbines is wishful thinking, akin […]
Trumping the media
The President-Elect upends a news media that’s still in denial about its vanished world Scot Faulkner President-Elect Donald Trump’s first news conference since the November election vividly displayed how he has turned the media world upside down. His unprecedented campaign and transition points to an administration committed to solidifying a media revolution that began decades […]