By Others
Global warming is not people’s most pressing concern
Most people don’t really care, don’t think it affects them much, and don’t believe the hype Tom Harris In a recent interview with the Vatican News service, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore again claimed “the climate crisis is now the biggest existential challenge humanity has ever faced.” Gore boasted, “I have been fortunate […]
Luddite eco-imperialists claim to be virtuous
Uber-organic campaign enshrines primitive agriculture and malnutrition as human rights Paul Driessen and David Wojick Not every poor person in impoverished places around the world aspires to the modern living standards they see and hear about: indoor plumbing, electricity for lights, a refrigerator and stove, a paucity of disease-carrying insects, top-notch schools and hospitals, their children living […]
We must stop suffering fools
Modern society cannot afford the costs of giving them the power and prestige they demand James E. Smith, Ph.D. An old adage says we should “gladly suffer fools.” The opposing view is that we should “stop doing stupid.” Either way, the key concern is the direct impact that not confronting stupid or shortsighted actions has […]
Multilateral anti-Development Banks
USA finances prolonged poverty, misery, disease, and death through international banks Paul Driessen and David Wojick “Foreign Operations” appropriation bills now working their way through Congress supposedly provide funding to “advance U.S. diplomatic priorities overseas,” “increase global security,” and continue “life-saving global health and humanitarian assistance programs for the world’s most vulnerable populations.” The bills […]
Speculative climate chaos v. indisputable fossil fuel benefits
Federal judge tells climate litigants to tally the numerous blessings from fossil fuels since 1859 Paul Driessen and Roger Bezdek Judge William Alsup has a BS in engineering, has written computer programs for his ham radio hobby, delves deeply into the technical aspects of numerous cases before him, and even studied other programming languages for a complex […]
EPA’s Pruitt is far cleaner than critics claim
His security, DC bedroom and policies are legitimate and defensible, under any fair standard Deroy Murdock EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has been hounded lately by allegations of rich spending and poor judgment. While he could have detonated himself during recent congressional-oversight hearings, the former Oklahoma prosecutor seems to have survived those tests. Nonetheless, EPA’s inspector […]
“Evil” GE foods and “eco-friendly” organics
Misrepresentations by radical greens promote myths of GE dangers and organic benefits Paul Driessen and Vijay Jayaraj Across the globe, genetically engineered (GE) crops face opposition from environmental and organic food activists, who claim the crops harm the environment and endanger human health. How factual are their claims? The evidence strongly supports GE over organic […]
“Evil” GE foods and “eco-friendly” organics
Misrepresentations by radical greens promote myths of GE dangers and organic benefits Paul Driessen and Vijay Jayaraj Across the globe, genetically engineered (GE) crops face opposition from environmental and organic food activists, who claim the crops harm the environment and endanger human health. How factual are their claims? The evidence strongly supports GE over organic crops. Not […]
Now they’re waging war on plastics!
Earth Day Network’s misguided anti-plastic campaign is a sign of more nonsense to come Tom Harris Earth Day Network (EDN) chose “End Plastic Pollution” as their theme for this year’s April 22 Earth Day. It is just the tip of the anti-plastic activism that now consumes environmental extremists. A Google search on “Plastic Pollution Coalition” […]
Is climate alarmist consensus about to shatter?
Is this the Beginning of the End – or at least the End of the Beginning? E. Calvin Beisner On November 10, 1942, after British and Commonwealth forces defeated the Germans and Italians at the Second Battle of El Alamein, Winston Churchill told the British Parliament, “Now this is not the end. It is not […]