By Others
Anti-fracking chaos in Colorado
Insane “eco” proposition would all but shut down oil production – and set bad national precedentAnti-fracking chaos in Colorado David Wojick, PhD The anti-fracking folks are trying a clever new strategy in Colorado. Instead of banning fracking, they just make it impossible. In fact, they make nearly all oil and gas development and production impossible […]
But what will take its place?
Does government really need to regulate everything? Can no program be allowed to expire? But what will take its place? Greg Walcher In high school and college, I competed in debate tournaments across the state and country. I clearly remember many occasions when a debate team’s plan would include abolishing some government program. Inevitably, the […]
2017 tax law continues to bring benefits
Even before enactment, anticipation of passage spurred investments, jobs and growth Mark Murphy Not long ago, a dentist called seeking advice about investing in new equipment for her practice. Business had been strong, but she envisioned enhancing the customer experience and growing her practice even further. The experience will set her apart from many other […]
More misplaced environmentalist outrage
Greens are angry that Interior modified a rule they wanted to use to attack energy and ranching Greg Walcher How we long for the good old days! That’s the tone of some environmental industry leaders who are screaming bloody murder (literally, not figuratively) about Department of the Interior actions under President Trump. The Department’s re-interpretation […]
We must all sacrifice for the environment
But I meant you – not me! We’re supposed to be exempt from rules we inflict on others. Greg Walcher Have we become a society of people who want to regulate others, but not ourselves? We laugh at those who suddenly object to a policy that seemed perfectly OK when (they thought) it only applied to others. […]
Bloom Energy’s “tangled web”
What a tangled web Bloom weaves, since first it practiced to deceive Paul Driessen and Clint Laird Bloom Energy executives, investment bankers, venture capitalists, politicians, regulators and others involved in advancing Bloom’s business, reputation and financial dealings are living the complicated life that flows from lying. Lies typically start small. Often, they’re small deceptions. But deceptions can metastasize into a […]
As the world and climate change yet again –
Who is helping to create a better world? Who is determined to hold everyone back? John Shanahan The world has changed tremendously since the early 1800s, as the growing use of fossil fuels made life on Earth increasingly better for most of us. People have far better, longer lives. Economies are better, stronger, more vibrant, […]
America First Energy Conference – “an amazing day”
New Orleans event reveals much of what has been hidden from the energy debate Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris “It will be an amazing day,” Dr. Tim Huelskamp announced at the start of the America First Energy Conference (AFEC) held August 7 in New Orleans. “You’re going to learn a lot … about so many issues – […]
Taming the EPA Regulatory Hydra: An essential first step
In America’s most powerful, intrusive and costly agency, power resides in one administrator William L. Kovacs Since President Trump’s election, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has turned off its massive regulatory printing press. The nation is still here, there have been no man-made environmental catastrophes, and job creation is quickly growing now that the […]
Obama carbon colonialism and climate corruption continue
USAID still pushes climate alarmism over energy, jobs, health and prosperity for poor countries Paul Driessen and David Wojick Part 1 of a 3-part series It’s obscene enough when the Multilateral anti-Development Banks do it. But Trump agencies?!? In a prime example of Deep State revanchism, despite the profound change in administrations, the US Agency for International […]