
Free market energy policies can end economic malaise

“In too many cases, the policies, strategies, laws, programs and regulations are crafted to promote specific ideologies, benefit companies and organizations with the best lobbyists, and secure tax breaks, subsidies and preferential treatment for political cronies, campaign contributors and politically correct ideas.”

May 5, 2013  /  No Comments ››

END the wind PTC and business/government cronyism!

“If people wonder why the world is in the sad shape it is in, they need look no further than the neighbors stuck living within the massive footprints of dysfunctional wind factories. Sadly however, politicians, corrupt crony-corporatists and people getting wind scam royalties are choosing to ignore their neighbors.”

December 13, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Obama’s Walt Disney energy policies

“By raising interminable objections to proven, safe technologies, Team Obama hopes to limit supplies and raise production costs of these fossil fuels. This, they theorize, will increase oil and gas prices, making hype and hope energy more competitive – at the expense of jobs, economic growth and tax revenues.”

December 13, 2012  /  No Comments ››

Tattoo this: “It’s the Sun, stupid!”

“President Clinton would probably be the first to admit that the viability of solar electricity power plants depends not only on the mysteries of cloudless skies, but also the brutal reality of economics.”

September 12, 2012  /  No Comments ››