When environmentalism becomes corruption – Part 1
Environmental principles are too often used to stop lawful, responsible, vital land uses Craig Liukko All across the United States, private property rights are under assault – assault by state and federal legislators and regulators, environmentalist groups, wealthy liberal foundations, corporations and other special interests, often acting in coordination or collusion with one another. They […]
Don’t ban plastic bags!
Learn the facts about plastic versus paper bags – and bag the bans, instead Hal Shurtlef Like dozen towns and cities in Massachusetts and other states, Boston recently enacted a ban on plastic shopping bags. It went into effect December 14, 2018. It was a relatively easy vote, because “evil” plastic bags have received extensive […]
Funding the Climate-Industrial Complex
Why Big Green energy investors rely on the man-made global warming myth Tom D. Tamarkin Supposedly “green” or “renewable” energy has become a trillion-dollar-plus annual industry that has spawned tens of thousands of new businesses worldwide. The total Climate-Industrial Complex is a $2-trillion-per-year business. Major fossil fuel companies like Shell Energy now have green energy […]
Prodding Trump’s EPA to reexamine Endangerment
Use external pressure to overcome Administration inertia on reviewing Endangerment Finding William L. Kovacs Campaign rhetoric strongly suggested that the Trump Administration would redress the Obama Administration’s insane attempts to regulate every aspect of society in a futile attempt to control nature and climate. President Trump withdrew from the Paris Accord, initiated repeal of the […]
A 2019 resolution: Honesty in energy policy
Virginia wind project highlights the need in climate, sustainability and renewable energy arenas Paul Driessen and Roger Bezdek In this season of New Year resolutions, we should insist that governors, legislators, regulators, activists and their corporate allies resolve to be more honest, especially on climate and renewable energy issues. Here in Virginia where we live, Governor Ralph […]
Trump was right about “raking” Finnish forests
Heavy machinery “rakes” Finland’s forest floors after tree cutting, greatly reducing fire risks Mikko Paunio President Donald Trump was recently ridiculed for telling California Governor Jerry Brown that the Golden State should do as my country does. Trump critics laughed at what some called his “bizarre” claim that foresters in Finland “rake” areas that have […]
The sky is falling?!?
Ridiculous report claims humans have killed more than half the world’s wildlife in past 48 years Greg Walcher A recent World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report claims humans have killed more than half of all the wildlife in the world since 1970. The report attracted media mass attention, even though the actual 145-page essay doesn’t really say […]
The snow job in Poland
IPCC climate confab seeks to stampede the world into adopting destructive energy policies Craig Rucker Any blizzards that blanket Poland this winter can’t compare to the massive snow job climate campaigners are trying to pull off. Some 30,000 politicians, activists, computer modelers, bureaucrats, lawyers, journalists, renewable energy sellers and a few scientists are in […]
Climate summit language reveals real but hidden agenda
The goal isn’t saving Earth from climate disaster – it’s changing the world order David Wojick, PhD People complain all the time about UN jargon. But the technical language of the Katowice, Poland climate summit is actually very revealing. It is all about changing the world order. Words exist because there is something important to talk […]
Starbucks thinks virtue signaling can “save the planet”
Will corporate and government green-washing save Earth from inflated or phony eco scares? Paul Driessen I’d just passed the local Starbucks in Chicago, when my cell phone buzzed to say the Washington, DC City Council had unanimously agreed “in a preliminary vote” to require that 100% of the District’s electricity must come from renewable sources by […]